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Saturday, 21 May 2011

will the world end today?

Well,it has been all over the news.Will the world end today?Will the rapture [we will talk about this late coming,biblically unsupported concept another time] anyway,will it happen today?So is the prediction of Harold Camping,a minister in California.6pm tonight,pst which gives us until 8pm.

Ironically there are companies jumping up to cash in on this foolishness.One company will provide eternal security for your dog.  You leave in the rapture,they come take care of your dog.All their employees are atheists.$135 is the contract fee.They have sold over 20,000 contracts.

Now friends,I don't mean to make fun of this stuff,but I have lived through many of these.My first real disappointment was in the 1970's when Hal Lindsey's predictions did not come true.

Here is my bottom line.Jesus wants us to live in the here and now.  That is scriptural and that is spiritual.Feet on the ground spiritual.To be all lost in end time worry is a waste of time and a huge distraction.It is off mission for the Christian.

I have a book in my office called,"it's the end times again."The book chronicles all of the predictions over the years that have not come true.We will have to add this to the list.

What are you going to be doing at 8pm? I hope something fun, celebrating God's world.We will be open for business as usual tomorrow, so I will see you in church.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Why is the world ending today, you ask? Because some man read it in a book, in English, that was written thousands of years ago, not in English, to tell the story of what happened thousands of years before that. The world isn’t ending today because someone observed through connection with nature a collection of indicators informing of the end of the world, because that, as we all know, would not only be unreliable, but not the way God works. Humans are the most important beings on this planet, and what is written in an ancient tome for other humans to read and understand about the way the world works, no matter how out of date with the advance or decline of civilization, must certainly be the closest to truth—especially when shrouded by the validating mysteries of numerology.

Every other living thing on Earth, apart from humans, cannot read, so they definitely are unaware of the end of the world today. The rest of planet Earth is like your pet dog or cat or goldfish that has no idea what is going on until it actually happens; you can plan and talk about that trip in the car for over three hours for days on end, but Fifi won’t know she’s going in the travel tote until the tote comes out of the closet. When the world ends, the world according to man, it ends for man, and the rest of the world fits into a handy suitcase, or hand basket. Read more

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Welcome To Human Progressive Association Consult Article Page

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